North Carolina
North Carolina General Statutes 105-283 and 105-284 set the standard for
appraisal and assessment.
"All property, real and personal, shall as far as practicable be appraised or valued at its true value in money. When used in this subchapter, the words "true value" shall be interpreted as meaning market value."
A link to
County/Municipality |
Multiplier |
Phone Number |
Web Address Searchable in bold |
Alamance |
1 |
336-228-1312 |
Alexander |
1 |
828-632-4346 |
Alleghany |
1 |
1 |
704-255-5787 |
1 |
1 |
Avery |
1 |
828-733-8214 |
Beaufort |
1 |
919-946-7981 |
Bladen |
Blowing Rock |
1 |
704-265-8036 |
1 |
910-253-2829 |
Buncombe |
1 |
828-250-4940 |
Burke |
1 |
Cabarrus |
1 |
704-920-2166 |
Caldwell |
1 |
1 |
919-338-0066 |
Carteret |
1 |
Caswell |
1 |
336-694-4194 |
Catawba |
1 |
828-465-1572 or 1573 |
1 |
919-542-8250 |
Cherokee |
828-837-6626 |
Chowan |
1 |
252-482-8487 |
Clay |
704-484-4962 |
1 |
910-640-6637 |
Craven |
1 |
910-678-7775 |
Currituck |
1 |
252-232-3005 |
Dare |
1 |
252-475-5940 |
1 |
336-242-2160 |
Duplin |
910-296-2110 |
Duplin County Register of Deeds (requires registration) |
1 |
919-560-0300 |
1 |
252-641-7866 |
1 |
336-727-2022 |
Winston |
1 |
910-727-2655 |
Franklin County |
1 |
919-496-1397 |
Gaston |
1 |
704-866-3414 |
Granville |
1 |
919-693-4181 |
1 |
336-884-7911 or 336-641-3362 |
1 |
336-373-4873 |
1 |
704-697-4870 |
Lexington |
1 |
704-242-2160 |
Halifax |
1 |
252-583-2121 |
Harnett |
Haywood |
1 |
828-697-4870 |
Flat Rock |
1 |
828-697-8100 |
1 |
252-358-7810 |
Hoke County |
Iredell |
704-878-3010 |
1 |
828-586-7539 |
919-989-5130 |
Lenoir |
252-527-7174 |
Lincoln |
828-349-2144 |
Madison |
828-649-1088 |
McDowell |
1 |
828-652-7121 |
1 |
Montgomery |
1 |
Orange County
Pamlico County |
Pasquotank |
Person County |
Polk |
1 |
Randolph |
1 |
336-318-6531 |
Rutherford County GIS
(more complete results) |
Sampson |
Scotland |
Stokes |
Tyrrell |
252-796-2901 |
Union |
704-283-3746 |
Wilkes |
1 |
Yancey |
1 |
Last Updated on 06/15/2020
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