A downloadable file of
Other links to various towns and cities organized by county are here
Some areas are available through Vision Government Solutions, some with registration.
Throughout the state of Connecticut, residential property is appraised at 70% of estimated market value.
City/Town |
Multiplier |
Telephone Number |
Additional Information (Searchable in Bold) |
1.43 |
1.43 |
860-677-2634 |
1.43 |
860-828-7040 or 7105 |
Bethel (town) |
1.43 |
1.43 |
203-266-5479 |
Bloomfield (town) |
1.43 |
860-769-3530 |
1.43 |
Branford |
1.43 |
203-488-2039 |
Branford (through
Vision) |
Bridgeport |
1.43 |
Bridgewater (city) |
1.43 |
860-355-9379 |
1.43 |
860-584-7666 |
1.43 |
203-775-7302 |
Brooklyn |
1.43 |
860-779-3411 |
Direct to Search
(through Vision) |
1.43 |
860-673-6789 x3 |
1.43 |
860-546-6035 |
1.43 |
860-693-7842 |
Chesire (town) |
1.43 |
203-271-6620 |
1.43 |
1.43 |
1.43 |
860-537-7205 |
Colebrook |
1.43 |
1.43 |
1.43 |
860-672-2703 |
Tuesdays and Thursdays 9-12; Wednesdays 1-4 |
Cos Cob |
1.43 |
203-622-7885 |
1.43 |
203-797-4556 |
1.43 |
203-656-7310 |
1.43 |
East Hartford (town) |
1.43 |
1.43 |
1.43 |
860-739-6931 |
1.43 |
1.43 |
203-268-6291 |
Ellington |
1.43 |
1.43 |
860-253-6339 |
1.43 |
860-767-4345 |
1.43 |
203-256-3110 |
1.43 |
Glastonbury GIS |
1.43 |
1.43 |
1.43 |
203-622-7885 |
1.43 |
1.43 |
203-453-8010 or 8012 |
1.43 of 1991 value |
203-287-2529 or 2520 |
1.43 |
860-455-9132 |
1.43 |
860-543-8540 |
1.43 |
860-228-5971 Ext. 145 |
1.43 |
860-828-7040 |
1.43 |
Ledyard (town) |
1.43 |
860-464-3237 |
1.43 |
860-376-5115 |
Litchfield (town) |
1.43 |
860-567-7559 |
Lyme (city) |
1.43 |
860-434-8092 |
1.43 |
1.43 |
860 647-3112 |
1.43 |
1.43 |
203-630-4065 |
Meriden Assessor through Appraisal Resource |
Middlebury (town) |
1.43 |
203758-1447 |
Middlefield |
1.43 |
1.43 |
860-344-3454 |
1.43 |
Direct to Search (through Vision) |
Monroe (town) |
1.43 |
1.43 |
1.43 |
1.43 |
860-826-3323 |
Through Vision Appraisal (requires registration) |
1.43 |
203-594-3005 |
New Canaan (requires
free registration) |
New |
New |
1.43 |
860-379-5235 |
1.43 |
203-946-6047 |
1.43 |
860-665-8530 |
New London (City) |
1.43 |
860-447-5216 |
1.43 |
860-355-6070 |
1.43 |
1.43 |
North Stonington (town) |
1.43 |
Norwalk (city) |
1.43 |
203-854-7887 |
1.43 |
860-823-3723 |
Old Lyme (city) |
1.43 |
860-434-7959 |
Old Saybrook (city) |
1.43 |
860-395-3137 |
1.43 |
203-795-0751 |
1.43 |
203-888-2543 |
1.43 |
860-793-0221 |
Plantville |
1.43 |
860-276-6205 |
Pomfret |
1.43 |
1.43 |
860-342-6744 |
Prospect (town) |
1.43 |
203-758-4461 |
Putnam |
1.43 |
Redding |
1.43 |
202-938-2626 |
1.43 |
203-431-2706 or 2710 |
1.43 |
203-622-7885 |
Rocky Hill |
1.43 |
Roxbury |
1.43 |
1.43 |
203-881-5013 |
1.43 |
Shelton (town) |
1.43 |
203-924-1555 x14 |
Sherman (town) |
1.43 |
860-355-0376 |
Simsbury (town) |
1.43 |
860-658-3251 |
Somers |
1.4 |
860-763-8202 |
Southbury (town) |
1.43 |
203-262-0674 |
1.43 |
860-276-6205 |
1.43 |
860-644-2511 |
1.43 |
203-977-5888 |
through Vision |
Stonington (town) |
1.43 |
860-535-5050 |
1.43 |
Suffield |
1.43 |
Thompson |
1.43 |
Tolland (town) |
1.43 |
1.43 |
1.43 |
203-452-5016 |
1.43 |
Vernon-Rockville |
1.43 |
860-870-3625 |
1.43 |
203-294-2001 |
1.43 |
860-868-0398 |
1.43 |
203-574-6821 |
1.43 |
1.43 |
West Hartford (town) |
1.43 |
860-561-7414 |
1.43 |
Westbrook (City) (Middlesex Cty) |
1.43 |
860-399-3045 |
Weston |
1.43 |
203-222-2606 |
1.43 |
203-341-1070 |
(through Vision Appraisal) |
1.43 |
860-721-2810 |
1.43 |
203-563-0121 |
Wilton Assessor (through Vision Appraisal) |
1.43 |
1.43 |
Winsted |
1.43 |
1.43 |
Woodbury |
1.43 |
Woodmont |
1.43 |
203-881-5013 |
1.43 |
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Last Updated on 12/03/2022
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